Workers' Comp & Personal Injury Lawyer in Lafayette, CA
Fighting for Injured Accident Victims for Over 60 Years Combined
After an accident of any kind, one of the most important decisions a victim can make is hiring a competent attorney. Without adequate compensation, he or she could face financial stress while trying to cover the medical bills and damage repairs out of their own accounts.
If you have suffered such an injury, consult with attorney Jonathan Brand and our attorney team today. They have 60 years of combined experience in workers' compensation and personal injury law and could skillfully and aggressively fight for you in any of the following practice areas:
Workers' Comp Practice Areas
When it comes to filing workers' compensation claims, your attorney must have a detailed knowledge of the workers' comp process. Attorney Jonathan Brand could help you determine your workers' comp eligibility. There is always protection for injured workers, especially if your employer is threatening you with wrongful termination, so call today for excellent legal advice. Any workplace injuries caused by poor workplace safety deserve to be compensated by your employer's insurance. The Law Offices of Jonathan Brand could also help you in filing an appeal if you have been denied workers' comp.
As an injured worker, you also have certain medical entitlements, so speak with a lawyer today to learn your rights. It's also important to remember that returning to work does not mean that your compensation payments have to end. If you have been determined to be temporarily disabled, permanently disabled, or permanently impaired, make sure that you receive adequate compensation.
Also, make sure you understand AMA guidelines so that you can choose a qualified medical evaluator who will properly evaluate your injury. The panel QME process can be confusing, however, so hire a workers' comp lawyer with experience. Attorney Jonathan Brand has already proven his competency in such situations through his success with the Romero Case.
Personal Injury Practice Areas
The Law Offices of Jonathan Brand could also represent you in a personal injury case. If you have been in a slip and fall accident, car crash, or construction site accident, attorney Jonathan Brand could help you win maximum compensation. He also has a detailed understanding of the lien process and knows how important it is for you to identify a liable third party so that hospitals, doctors, and health care providers do not come after you and demand that you pay for your medical treatment.
He also understands that alternative medicine such as chiropractors or massage therapy is often a better choice than the doctors that insurance companies offer and he could help you assert your right to choose treatment that is reasonable for your injury. You should also seek compensation for property damage after an injury accident, so call Brand Peters PC today to learn what he could do for you.
Hire a Lafayette Workers' Comp & Personal Injury Attorney
For a no-nonsense, straightforward evaluation of your case, call today and schedule a consultation with attorney Jonathan Brand. You deserve maximum compensation for the injuries and property damage you have suffered, so hire a lawyer who could aggressively fight for your rights and win the payout you deserve. He is also experienced in crossover cases and could strategically handle both your workers' comp and personal injury cases so that the settlement from one does not affect the other. Call now for more information.
Contact a Lafayette workers' comp and personal injury lawyer from Brand Peters PC today. The longer you wait, the worse your chances of success become, so don't wait another minute!