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Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Walnut Creek, California

Call Today for A Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has been injured on the job in Walnut Creek or elsewhere in the Bay Area, you need to know how to assert your right to workers' compensation. With fair results, you may be able to reach financial and medical recovery after a workplace accident.

Why choose Brand Peters PC?

Injured at Work?

Let Us Help

Walnut Creek Workplace Injuries Attorney

California Employers Are Required to Provide Compensation

When most people think of workplace injuries, they think of high-risk environments such as construction sites or factories. However, injuries can occur in low-risk environments such as offices, as well. Workers' compensation is required of every employer in California, so if you have been injured on the job, make sure you educate yourself about your rights and what legal options are available to you. Speak with a Walnut Creek workers' comp attorney today to learn exactly what could be done to fight for compensation after suffering any kind of injury while on the job.

Types of Workplace Injuries

Many workplace injuries are minor and require little to no medical treatment. Small cuts, lacerations, scrapes, and bruises can be easily treated with basic first aid and will not require a claim. However, if you are involved in a slip and fall accident-the most common case for workers' comp claims-you could suffer a more serious injury. Broken bones are common and require expensive treatment such as x-rays, setting the broken bone, and casting. Burns and serious cuts or lacerations can also require professional medical care and may also result in permanent scarring.

Slips, trips and falls can also cause catastrophic injuries resulting in temporary or permanent disability, such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) or spinal cord injuries. TBI can cause severe memory loss, permanent brain damage, or comas. Spinal cord injuries often result in numbness or loss of function below the area of injury, such as partial or complete paralysis. Whatever injury you have suffered, you should fight for the medical treatment to be paid for by your employer's insurance. For assistance in filing a workers' comp claim, contact an attorney right away.

Should I Hire an Attorney for My Workers' Comp Claim?

The experienced work injury attorneys at Brand Peters PC are well versed in workers’ compensation law and crossover cases, and we will fight as true advocates on your side throughout the entire claims process. Unlike insurance companies, our Walnut Creek work injury attorneys will pursue your best interest and fight for the compensation you deserve so you can focus on healing. Contact us today to find out how we can help you especially if:

  • You have a preexisting condition.

  • Your claim has been denied.

  • Your permanent disability rating has been challenged.

  • You have a workers’ compensation hearing coming up.

  • You are already receiving other government benefits.

Walnut Creek Workers' Comp Lawyer

At Brand Peters PC, you could receive the legal counsel and representation you need after a workplace injury. With over 60 years of combined experience, our attorneys can review your case and tell you exactly what options are available to you. Without proper compensation, you could face financial stress as you try to pay for your medical treatment out of your own accounts. Don't let this happen to you! Call today to schedule a consultation.

If you have been injured, you need knowledgeable counsel and skilled representation to maximize your payout. Contact an attorney from Brand Peters PC online or by calling.